Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fully Raw Burrito Review

We are always looking for new raw and veggie recipes, so while perusing the web I found This weekend’s fully raw meal was a variation on the Raw Burrito video.

Beauty by SW beauty blogger san diego

She mentions what a lovely mess this creation is; she’s not joking! My burrito did NOT look as beautiful as hers, I spared you those photos; it was something more of a crime scene than food porn.

beauty by sw healthy living Casa W blogger

Raw food review beauty by sw blogger healthy lifestyle

The concept of making your salad a burrito is wonderful. The texture change based on how you slice your veggies was great. The collard green as the tortilla shell is brilliant! The firmness of the mock tortilla is what fools your brain into thinking your having the real deal.

We did change up the dressing ingredients a little. We added a pinch more cumin and a few more green onions. You would never know there was not oil or salt in this creamy mix. Mr. W tried the remainder of the “Awesome Sauce” as a veggie smoothie; it could use a little extra something, he said, but it’s good.
My overall opinion about this meal; great, messy but made for great fun and laughs at our family table.
If you have a favorite raw food recipe let me know in the comments below, we are always on the hunt for new foods

Give it a try my friends

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